Archive For June 24, 2018

I turned a lichen-covered boulder into a meteor with added craters. NASA and stock images.

An idea I’ve had for some time. Had to repaint room to fit this size – meaning I invented more ceiling and floor to fill top and bottom. Lots of Creative Commons stock photos.

A riff on Grant Woods classic American Gothic. Usual composition of NASA and stock photos in the creative commons. Post-processed with Topaz Labs Pro with my own custom filter to give a painted appearance (mostly to cover up the fact that I have very low-resolution clips in many of the composites.

Another riff on a famous Kelly Freas piece. His cover for ‘The Green Hills of Earth” by Robert A. Heinlein. I never understood why Kelly had Rhysling holding a gun and standing in a tangle of red… something. So my Rhysling is holding a blind man’s cane and has his accordion in a case beside…

I tried a little experiment this time. I recreated a famous Kelly Freas cover from Astounding. I have a few deliberate differences. Larry Niven’s favorite weapon, the Gyro Jet Rocket Pistol was added, and my wall is green hardwood from an alien planet with alien plaques describing the items. Because why would aliens use pegboard…

For Amazing Stories’ Kickstarter we needed several background images for the video. I was reasonably pleased with this typical alien planet I put together. Two desert scenes, photos of Saturn and one of its moons all composited together with a little morning mist.