Manhattan Futuresk
Lots and lots of stock photos, color manipulation, and editing. A heightened sense of reality and over saturation of color to suggest a bright future.
The Crash
A pilot cracks up during an attempted landing on an alien world with a corrosive atmosphere. Stock photos (the ship was a water tower!) and editing fun.
Alien Planet
For Amazing Stories’ Kickstarter we needed several background images for the video. I was reasonably pleased with this typical alien planet I put together. Two desert scenes, photos of Saturn and one of its moons all composited together with a little morning mist.
A murder mystery in spaaaace! NASA stock pics, Photoshop fun, a manipulated skull (notice – it’s distorted to look like the skull of a grey alien). Also, fun with polar coordinate image conversion.
Lunar Trash
Unpublished – a lunar resident finds a discarded glove amongst the trash of early lunar workers. Stock photos and NASA stock photos.
Weird Planetoid
Strange experimental art from another world. When Void Pilot Jones stepped onto the new world – was something affecting his mind, his vision, or both?
Martian without Home
Colorized stock photo, add tentacle in place of arm/hand, and a bunch of other image manipulation. Inspired by Kelly Freas’ cover for ‘Martin go Home!’.
Hollow Worldlet
Inspired by the old O’Neil colony paintings. The inside of an inhabited asteroid that’s been carved out and spun up. The long pole is lightning for the colony. Light piped in from outside / sun / sol. Polar coordinate image conversion fun and lots of stock photos of landscapes and mountains.
Realla Leela
For a brief period, some Deviant Art people were recreating cartoon characters in surreal/realistic styles. I jumped right on board. This is Leela from Futurama by way of a stock photo and a lot of Photoshop work.
The Mesmerist
Originally published in Amazing Stories WorldCon 2017 edition. Stock photo from Pixabay manipulated with digital tools.
Vegas over Venus
The concept is an orbital casino world orbiting Venus. Why? For the alliteration of course. There’s money in alliteration! Only partly a polar image conversion this time. Lots of buildings added, a nice asteroid as well, and the force field is a soap bubble image. With lots and lots of color fiddling.